" . "\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: $emailfrom"."\n"; $headers .= "Return-Path: $emailfrom" . "\n"; // these two to set reply address $headers .= "Message-ID: <".time()."@".DOMAIN_NAME.">"."\n"; $headers .= "X-Mailer: ".SITE_NAME." Email Function"."\n"; // These two to help avoid spam-filters $headers .= "Date: ".date("r")."\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" . $headers .= "Content-Type: text/".$type."\n"; $headers .= "User-Agent: ".$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']."\n"; if(mail($emailto,$subject,$content, $headers, '-f'.$emailfrom)){ return true; }else{ return false; } } function smtp_mail($emailfrom, $emailto, $subject, $content, $type) { require_once('mailer/class.phpmailer.php'); $mail = new PHPMailer(true); // the true param means it will throw exceptions on errors, which we need to catch $mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP $mail->SMTPDebug = 0; // enables SMTP debug information (for testing) $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // enable SMTP authentication $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; // sets the prefix to the servier $mail->Host = "mail.sgfclients.com"; // sets GMAIL as the SMTP server $mail->Port = 465; // set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server $mail->Username = "mailsend@sgfclients.com"; // GMAIL username $mail->Password = "sgfmailer"; // GMAIL password $mail->AddAddress($emailto, $emailto); $mail->SetFrom($emailfrom, $emailfrom); $mail->AddReplyTo($emailfrom, $emailfrom); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->MsgHTML($content); if($mail->Send()){ return true; sleep(1); }else{ return false; } } function generate_password($length = 10) { $allowable_characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789"; $ps_len = strlen($allowable_characters); mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $pass = ""; for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $pass .= $allowable_characters[mt_rand(0,$ps_len-1)]; } return $pass; } function isEven($number){ $result = $number % 2; if($result == 0){ return true; }else{ return false; } } function hide_mailto($mail,$type='') { $chars = preg_split("//", $mail, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if($type == 'email'){ $new_mail = "".$new_mail2.""; } return $new_mail; } function truncate($string, $max = 20, $replacement = '') { if (strlen($string) <= $max) { return $string; } $leave = $max - strlen ($replacement); return substr_replace($string, $replacement, $leave); } function ifblank($str,$ending='') { if($str>''){ return $str.$ending; }else{ return ''; } } function strip_num_rows($row) { $nr = array(); foreach($row as $k=>$v) { if(!is_numeric($k)) { $nr[$k] = $v; } } return $nr; } function print_rpre($arr='', $hide = false ) { echo $hide ? '
' : '
	echo '
'; } function getFileExtension($str) { $i = explode(".",$str); return strtolower(array_pop($i)); } function test_TEST() { echo 'HAI'; } function get_files_by_type_fileyear($type='', $fundyear=0, $user_id=0) { // terrible for grabbing just years. make new function global $year; $cats=array('fund'=>'Fund/Legal Documents','misc'=>'Miscellaneous Documents','transfer'=>'Transfer Notices','quarter'=>'Quarterly/Annual Reports'); $category = $cats[$type]; if($fundyear && $category && $user_id) { $user = get_user_by_id($user_id, 'f'); $db = new database(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM files f, users_accts u "; $sql .= "WHERE u.uid=f.FileCompanyID AND f.FileCat='$category' "; if(isset($user['where_sql']) && $user['where_sql']!='') { $sql .= $user['where_sql']; } /* if($user['utype']=='Company' || $user['utype']=='Client') { $sql .= " AND f.FileCompanyID=".$user['CompanyID']." "; } */ if($user['utype']=='Company' || $user['utype']=='Client') { $sql .= " AND FIND_IN_SET( " . $user['CompanyID'] . ", f.FileCompanyID )"; } /* if($type == 'misc' || $type == 'fund') { $sql .= "AND f.FileFund LIKE '%$year%' AND f.FileDate LIKE '%$fundyear%' ORDER BY f.FileCat DESC, f.FileDate DESC"; } else if($type == 'quarter') { $sql .= "AND f.display_year LIKE '%$fundyear%' AND f.FileFund LIKE '%$year%' ORDER BY f.FileCat DESC, f.display_year DESC, f.FileDate DESC"; } else { $sql .= "AND f.FileDate LIKE '%$fundyear%' AND f.FileFund = $year ORDER BY f.FileCat DESC, f.FileDate DESC"; } */ if($type == 'misc' || $type == 'fund') { $sql .= "AND f.FileFund LIKE '$year' AND f.FileDate LIKE '%$fundyear%' ORDER BY f.FileCat DESC, f.FileDate DESC"; } else if($type == 'quarter') { $sql .= "AND f.display_year LIKE '%$fundyear%' AND f.FileFund LIKE '$year' ORDER BY f.FileCat DESC, f.display_year DESC, f.FileDate DESC"; } else { $sql .= "AND f.FileDate LIKE '%$fundyear%' AND f.FileFund LIKE '$year' ORDER BY f.FileCat DESC, f.FileDate DESC"; } $db->query($sql); $rows = array(); $years = array(); while($row = $db->get_row()) { $rows[] = strip_num_rows($row); } return $rows; } else { return false; } } function get_fund_file_years($type='', $fundyear=0, $user_id=0) { // terrible for grabbing just years. make new function $cats=array('fund'=>'Fund/Legal Documents','misc'=>'Miscellaneous Documents','transfer'=>'Transfer Notices','quarter'=>'Quarterly/Annual Reports'); $category = $cats[$type]; if($fundyear && $category && $user_id) { $db = new database(); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(FileDate) as file_year, (SELECT DISTINCT display_year) as display_year FROM files f, users_accts u "; $sql .= "WHERE u.uid=f.FileCompanyID AND f.FileCat='$category' "; $sql .= "AND f.FileFund LIKE '%$fundyear%' ORDER BY f.FileCat DESC, f.FileDate DESC"; $db->query($sql); $years = array(); while($row = $db->get_row()) { $years[$row['file_year']] = 1; if($row['display_year']) { $years[$row['display_year']] = 1; } } return $years; } else { return false; } } function print_file_headers_and_tables($type='', $year='', $user_id=0) { if($type && $year && $user_id) { $cats=array('fund'=>'Fund/Legal Documents','misc'=>'Miscellaneous Documents','transfer'=>'Transfer Notices','quarter'=>'Quarterly/Annual Reports'); $category = $cats[$type]; $arr = array(); $fund_years = get_fund_file_years($type, $year, $user_id); $user = get_user_by_id($user_id); $count = 0; ?>

Notice: Undefined variable: category in /home/forge/methodadvisors.com/intranet/includes/include.php on line 220

$v) { $files = get_files_by_type_fileyear($type, $k, $user_id); if(empty($files)) { //echo 'No Files.'; } else { ?>

Notice: Undefined variable: k in /home/forge/methodadvisors.com/intranet/includes/include.php on line 227

Investor File Date  

Notice: Undefined variable: file in /home/forge/methodadvisors.com/intranet/includes/include.php on line 246

Notice: Undefined variable: file in /home/forge/methodadvisors.com/intranet/includes/include.php on line 247
''){ print "

"; } ?>

Notice: Undefined variable: file in /home/forge/methodadvisors.com/intranet/includes/include.php on line 249
Edit  | Delete
There are no files under this category. query("SELECT perms FROM `users_accts` WHERE `uid` = $company_id"); $rows = array(); while($row = $db->get_row()) { $rows[] = strip_num_rows($row); } $cperms = array_shift($rows); } else if($user['utype'] == 'Consultant') { $db->query("SELECT * FROM `consultant_companies` WHERE `cuid` = '$user_id' GROUP BY `ccomid`"); $where=array(); while($company=$db->get_row()) { if($company['ccomid'] !='') { $where[] = $company['ccomid']; } } $companies = 'WHERE uid IN ('.implode(', ',$where).')'; $db->query("SELECT DISTINCT perms FROM `users_accts` $companies"); $rows = array(); while($row = $db->get_row()) { $rows[] = strip_num_rows($row); } $cperms = array_shift($rows); } $db->query("SELECT perms FROM `users_accts` WHERE `uid` = '$user_id' LIMIT 1"); $rows = array(); while($row = $db->get_row()) { $rows[] = strip_num_rows($row); } $r = array_shift($rows); $perms = implode(" ", array_merge($r, $cperms)); if(!empty($perms)) { return str_replace('-', ', ', $perms); } else { return false; } } } function get_user_by_email($email='') { if($email) { $email = strtolower($email); $db = new database(); $db->query("SELECT uid FROM `users_accts` WHERE LOWER(`email`) = '$email' LIMIT 1"); $rows = array(); while($row = $db->get_row()) { $rows[] = strip_num_rows($row); } if(!empty($rows)) { $arr = array_shift($rows); if($user = get_user_by_id($arr['uid'])) { return $user; } else { return false; } } } else { return false; } } function get_user_by_id($user_id=0, $sql_prefix = false) { if($user_id) { $sql_prefix = $sql_prefix ? $sql_prefix . '.' : ''; $db = new database(); $db->query("SELECT * FROM `users_accts` WHERE `uid` = '$user_id' LIMIT 1"); $where = array(); while($row = $db->get_row()) { $rows[] = strip_num_rows($row); // this is for companies specifically $db->query("SELECT * FROM `consultant_companies` WHERE `cuid` = '$user_id' GROUP BY `ccomid`"); $where=array(); while($company=$db->get_row()) { if($company['ccomid'] !='') { $where[] = $company['ccomid']; } } } if(!empty($where)) { $rows[0]['where_sql'] = ' AND ' . $sql_prefix . 'FileCompanyID IN ('.implode(', ',$where).') '; } if( $rows[0]['utype'] == 'Consultant' ) { $rows[0]['where_sql'] = ' AND ( '; foreach( $where as $possibility ) $company[] = ' FIND_IN_SET( ' . $possibility . ', ' . $sql_prefix . 'FileCompanyID )'; $rows[0]['where_sql'] .= implode(' OR', $company); $rows[0]['where_sql'] .= ' ) '; } $rows[0]['perms'] = get_permissions_by_user($rows[0]); return array_shift($rows); } else { return false; } } function get_file_by_id($file_id=0) { if($file_id) { $db = new database(); $db->query("SELECT * FROM `files` WHERE `FileID` = '$file_id' LIMIT 1"); $where = array(); while($row = $db->get_row()) { $rows[] = strip_num_rows($row); } return array_shift($rows); } else { return false; } } function get_all_companies() { $db = new database(); $db->query("SELECT * FROM `users_accts` WHERE `utype` = 'Company' "); $where = array(); while($row = $db->get_row()) { $rows[] = strip_num_rows($row); } return $rows; } function get_header() { ?> Method Advisors
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/forge/methodadvisors.com/intranet/includes/include.php:220) in /home/forge/methodadvisors.com/intranet/controllers/Common.class.php on line 88

Notice: Undefined variable: _SESSION in /home/forge/methodadvisors.com/intranet/controllers/Common.class.php on line 90